How does it work


Automation takes repetitive, time consuming or error prone tasks and using technology to complete the task a human would normally have to do. This amounts to huge benefits in time saving, error reduction, training requirement reduction and many more.

The process of creating systems to handle tasks which are repititive and error prone for humans to do. The way Autopos achieves this is by using IT solutions to automate tasks.

This typically results in higher throughput, accuracy and overall efficiency for the given task. The desirable outcomes of automation are different for each business, here are some potential benefits:

  • Time
    Staff are now free to do more useful work.
  • Compliance
    Automation can guarantee that necessary processes are followed accurately.
  • Scheduling
    You probably use a calendar already, but automation can bake other scheduled tasks and reminders into processes. Such as reminding your staff or clients that a deadline is looming.

Process and Streamlining

Automation without proper process and guidance is less effective. However you automate something, the system will need inputs, and the outputs will have to be put to use as well, how these are managed is important. Basic automation will bring benefits, but the full benefit is realised when a start to finish process involving automation is properly planned and installed.

The particular automation systems used, the guidance given and the consideration for how the compoenents will work together, all contribute to the final result. Autopos takes a wholistic view of a business process, and helps you to produce a custom, streamlined automation pipeline that not only does the basic tasks, but seemlessly integrates with the processes of the business.

This results in automation which is maximally effective.

Cut The Costs

Automation is one of the most effective ways of cutting running costs. By reducing the time and labour quantity required it takes to complete a task you can focus on whats important.

Boost Productivity
Reduce Errors

Case Study

Onboarding Case Study

Let’s consider a quick case study using a simple sign up system. Most businesses will take some customer records, and want to keep them on file.

  1. Without any automation, we may choose to call the customer, take down their details on paper, and put them in a filing cabinet.
  2. The next stage that many companies will already be at, would be to keep this information in purpose built software, databases or simply a spreadsheet. But we still have to call the customer…
  3. A further stage would be to acquire the details without needing to call the customer. An obvious step would be to add a website with a form that the customer fills in, or to ask for the details by email (which is problematic for sensitive data).
  4. Ideally, the details would be checked automatically, so that the customer couldn’t accidentally provide an invalid phone number.
  5. We can do even more, we can migrate the details from the website or email into other systems, such as the previously mentioned spreadsheet, if that is the preferred viewing location.
  6. We may want the customer to e-sign a document, the sending of this document can be automated and the signed responses automatically linked back to the customer on file.
  7. At a later date, we may need to send the customer tailored documents (such as contracts), the process of creating, distributing and tracking these documents can also be automated.


Off the shelf solutions can do all of the above, but they are often expensive and incomplete. It may be necessary to combine two generic software solutions, and even then, tasks specific to your business may still require manual intervention.

TUsing well established technologies and cloud software it is possible to build your own specialised automation systems. These services, such as those from Microsoft and Google, boast near 100% uptime and are purpose built for businesses to leverage for any specific need.

They come with the benefit of support from these organisations and easy access to other professionals in the field who will be able to maintain these systems.

What Can We Help You Automate?

With automation comes innovation, afterall innovation sets businesses apart from their competitors. Let us know if you think we could help.
